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Old 19th April 2009, 09:29 AM   #131
Penultimate Amazing
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Originally Posted by Brown View Post
Marital infidelity is part of life, too, and we heard the same concerns when it became clear that Bill Clinton was having trouble with his self-control. Oh, how can we explain that to the children?? There was, of course, marital infidelity among people of all political persuasions, but it seemed that the parents were troubled only about explaining Clinton's infidelity.
I find the adultery aspect to be a very difficult problem for the religious case against gay marriage. Adultery is forbidden, apparently, by one of the ten biggie commandments of their religion, but, amazingly, the US doesn't have a law against it! Shouldn't this cause parents concern that the state is undermining their authority? And while there are always calls for the lipservice of posting the 10 commandments, no one ever tries to outlaw adultery.

Where are the parents complaining, "I am trying to teach my children that adultery is wrong, because it is against my religion, but the state is harming that because it is not illegal"? Honestly, given that adultery is far more widespread than homosexuality, you'd think it would be a bigger concern.

As such, the arguments against gay marriage end up being special pleading. Gay marriage is bad and needs to be outlawed because of X. What about adultery, which also contains X? Oh, we'll ignore that... (conveniently, btw)

What it tells me is that their opposition to gay marriage is NOT because of X, and they are just using X as an excuse.
Gunter Haas, the 'leading British expert,' was a graphologist who advised couples, based on their handwriting characteristics, if they were compatible for marriage. I would submit that couples idiotic enough to do this are probably quite suitable for each other. It's nice when stupid people find love. - Ludovic Kennedy
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